Paz marquez benitez famous works of shakespeare
Most famous works of shakespeare
She is most known by her short story Dead Stars (1925) in which the two main characters are displayed as allegories to American imperialism in order to portray the slow decay of Philippine heritage.
Paz marquez benitez famous works of shakespeare
Living amid the Philippines’ American colonial period, Paz Márquez-Benítez wrote her way into history as a prominent short-story author, educator, and editor.
Paz marquez benitez famous works of shakespeare quotes
The U.P. Writers Club founded in 1926, had stated that one of its aims was to enhance and propagate the “language of Shakespeare.” In 1925, Paz Marquez Benitez short story, “Dead .
Paz marquez benitez famous works of shakespeare pdf
Paz Márquez-Benítez (1894–1983) was a Filipina short-story writer.